Monday, November 12, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Aftermath

On September 7th, there was an article on this blog which discussed hurricanes and their devastating effects. But the hurricane took place in New Orleans. Never was it on my mind that those effects would hit home in the Northeast not even two months later.

The Achva office has been out of commission for over two weeks now as our building in lower Manhattan, right near Water Street, is still without power after tremendous flooding that has knocked out the building's electrical system. Our various personnel have been dealing with the effects of the storm that has made communication difficult and getting back to normal impossible.  Our email has been down. If you are reading this and you sent an email to any address since Monday October 29, please be patient if you did not get a response. Once we get our office back up and running, we hope to check our voice mail, email and regular mail and respond to everyone who tried to contact us during the aftermath of the storm.

In spite of all this, please understand that all our summer planning has continued as usual and we could not be more excited about an excellent summer 2013.  Some of our hotel and airline suppliers have even given us extra time to book due to the hurricane.  After a week without power, it was extremely encouraging to finally get online and find that numerous people had signed up for Achva using our web site during the days right after the storm.  So please rest assured that our web site and registration systems have been and continue to be up and running B"AH.  To reach us, please see our contact page for updated contact information.

If anyone missed one of our early-bird discounts for lack of power, or other storm related issues, please let us know.  We don't want anyone missing out due to the effects of this (supposedly) once in a century storm.  

Thanks for your support and our prayers and wishes are for all those who were hurt by Hurricane Sandy.